What is Ergonomics?
Ergonomics is the applied science of equipment design and/or workplace design, intended to maximize productivity by reducing operator fatigue and discomfort. Also called biotechnology, human engineering, and human factors engineering.
Ergonomics includes the following characteristics:
- Science of fitting jobs, tools or environments of work to the worker.
- Encompasses the workstation, the tools or equipment of work, and the work flow design.
- The goal is to prevent, or reduce the likelihood of, discomfort and injury associated with any and all aspects of work.
- Worker education and training is essential toward maximizing the value and success of all ergonomic interventions.
- Ergonomic principles can and should be applied to any and all types of work both occupational and domestic.
Ergonomic Services
Move Well Series
Contact Us
Jansen Cunanan
Ergonomist & Injury Prevention Specialist
(951) 827-5528