On September 20, 2019, Omega Environmental, at the request of Environmental Health & Safety, conducted a survey of the Pierce Hall south (first floor) ceiling insulation. The report linked below provides detailed information about what was found. Several different types of testing were performed and in short, the staining on the insulation is not hazardous. A small section of insulation was found to be moist and the decision was made to remove it so that the source of the moisture can be better identified. 

Report conclusion excerpt: 

The building HVAC system design includes the return-air via an open plenum in the subject hallway where the stain impacted duct insulation is located. The laboratory dust analytical results indicated the presence of inorganic and mineral constituents which may have contributed to the discoloration of the insulation material. The findings showed the presence of particulates generally composed of amorphous sands (quartz-like, clays, and soil minerals) and fire residue (soot and char). These findings are considered typical for older buildings located in semi-arid climates with exposure to high winds and historical wildfires.

The laboratory analytical findings confirm that there is no evidence of significant viable and non-viable fungal growth on the stain impacted insulation along the south hallway.

Based on these findings, it is Omega’s professional opinion that the stain impacted insulation has no adverse health effects from mold growth on the
building occupants utilizing the hallway.

Omega Full Report