
Project Updates

Pierce Hall Renovation

Pierce Hall is being renovated to improve the quality of instructional and research environments, address space deficiencies, and help position the campus to achieve its strategic goals. 

Anticipated Construction Start: January 2019

Anticipated Construction Completion: 2021

Project Manager: Gerald Caraig | (951) 827-2432

PDC Contacts: Melissa Garrety | (951) 827-7376

PDC Project Website

Health & Safety Updates

To report a health concern, please email

Batchelor Hall Renovation

Batchelor Hall is being renovated to improve the quality of available research space by addressing infrastructure systems that have reached the end if their anticipated service lines. 

Anticipated Construction Start: 2019

Anticipated Construction Completion: 2021

Sign up for construction updates from PD&C.

PDC Contacts: Rowan Reid | (951) 827-5825

PDC Project Website

Health & Safety Updates

To report a health concern, please email