Laboratory Safety Manual
The Laboratory Safety Manual is a collection of resources for individuals working in research and teaching laboratories. It includes safe work procedures, chemical safety information, laboratory equipment safety information and links to resources. It is a web-based living document, with new items being added or revisions taking place at any time. This manual includes the Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) and Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP).
Download the Laboratory Safety Manual
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Injury & Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP)
- Lab Safety Rules
- Chemical Hygiene Plan
- PI/Lab Supervisors
- Manuals for Risk and Safety Solutions Suite
- Inspect
- Chemicals
- Laboratory Safety Evaluation Program
- Training Records
- Laboratory Safety Fundamentals (Inital, refresher every 3 years)
- Hazardous Materials and Waste Management (annual)
- Fire Extinguisher (annual)
- Laboratory-Specific Training
NOTE: It is strongly recommended these records be maintained in this manual. However, they can be kept in any location which is accessible to an auditor.
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Emergency Procedures
- Incident Reporting
- Resources and References
- Downloads
Additional Resources
Americal Chemical Society, Comittee on Chemical Safety released the final report on: Creating Safety Cultures in Academic Institutions: A Report of the Safety Culture Task Force of the ACS Committee on Chemical Safety